Legal and technical support for administrative requirements

When we make the decision of legalizing any installation or building to the competent authorities, we often encounter requirements from the involved administration. Failure to respond to these requests within the deadline set by the administration means, in the best case scenario, that the file is closed or a disciplinary proceeding is opened.

Complying with the minimum content required, unfortunately, does not guarantee the absence of one or multiple requirements, this is caused by each technician having his or her own particular criteria for interpreting a regulation or law, or may require, for its understanding, further justification of any technical or legal aspect.

In Logicus we have been working for more than 50 years with the technicians of City Councils (each one has a level of requirement), with those of Industry (they do not have the same level of requirement in all the autonomous communities), with those of Environment (idem that in industry) and other organisms that, according to the case, can and must intervene in a concession of an Environmental License, an Integrated Environmental Authorization, the registration of an APQ installation, of low tension or of protection against fires.

We can help you to make this process more agile, giving a full response to the possible requirements that may arrive.
This process is always included in our fees in case the project has been carried out and presented by Logicus Engineering.